How this side hustle can make you thousands a week

here's the proof along with a step-by-step guide on how you can do the same!

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GM. This is Work "After" Work. Your tour guide around the wild west of business.

It’s Monday morning. Grab a pop tart and dive in:

  • 💪 The $40k/wk side hustle

  • 😂 Meme of the day


The other day I was scrolling Twitter, as one does, and found a nifty side hustle making this guy $40k per week.

It goes without saying, this guy’s been at it for a minute. This isn’t his first year but I think it’s a business that anyone can start and make money.

Wanna guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint! It has to do with the holidays coming up.

That definitely gave it away.

It’s Christmas lights installation!

Here’s the tweet. Check it out, this guy was nice enough to answer a ton of questions in the comments!

Now, in true Work “After” Work fashion I’m going to walk you through how to start this business, get customers, and get employees to do the work for you! Let’s jump in.

Step #1: Don’t do the work yourself

Being business savvy a lot of the time means you’re not actually doing the job, you're just overseeing it.

Same thing here. The business owner shouldn’t be installing lights on houses. The business owner should be hiring people to do it for him or her.

This means putting up a listing to pay $20/hr for light installers and teaching them the ropes.

You can do all the initial communications with customers to provide customer service but the person doing the job shouldn’t be you.

Step #2: Selling customers

Without customers you have no business. This is where you (the business owner) come in and either create customized flyers (more on this soon) or put up signs in your area!

Don’t forget about Facebook ads and posting on Nextdoor either!

Now back to those customized flyers. You have to be very intentional with customers.

Show the homeowner what their house could look like with these awesome lights! Take a picture of all the nice houses in a neighborhood, photoshop lights on their homes, and create a flyer to drop in their mailbox.

Most of this can be done with AI btw! Adobe Photoshop has AI. ChatGPT can write the copy on your flyer. The only thing AI can’t do is drop it in their mailboxes (yet! 😬)

Step #3: Protect yourself!

Now, if you’re a mom or just business savvy you’re probably wondering “What happens if someone falls off the roof?”

This is a great point and it’s the main reason many will shy away from this business but not you!

Why not? Because you have these two options:

Option #1: Buy worker’s comp insurance. It’s ~$40/mo.

It’s funny to me how all these huge issues we all think about can be covered with as little as $40 a month. Now you know!

Option #2: Rent out a Boom lift and never climb the roof in the first place. 40 ft boom lifts go for around $1,800 a month in my area.

And before you get that insurance, you’ll start your LLC aka what the insurance will cover.

This is important because if anyone sues you they can’t come after your personal assets, only the businesses. That’s the power of an LLC!

Step #4 Put it all together

Now it’s time to actually perform the service.

Hire workers, get customers, create your LLC, purchase insurance to protect yourself, and make homeowners happy with beautiful lights!

Quick-Fire Tips from ya boy:

  • Always presell - Don’t buy the materials first. Buy them after you get a sale. This limits your risk of having a ton of materials you paid for and can’t use

  • Offer seasonal and upgrades to permanent lights - seasonal will allow you to get paid twice (taking them on & off) but permanent will be a bigger upfront paycheck since you’re providing lights that will last for 10 years (according to his tweet)

  • Want to know where to get materials? He recommends Inception Meshtek

  • For this $6k job, he projects to profit around $4,000!

That’s all I got ya. Happy hustling! 💪

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Well that’s one way to do it 😂😂


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That's all I got for ya today folks!!

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