Rucking: the latest health trend 📈

🤫 no one is talking about this

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that helps you find the missing piece to your business puzzle.

Happy Hump Day! Let’s jump in:

  • 🎒 Rucking

  • 🤖 Techy Tech

  • 😂 Meme of the day

To the 150 new people since the last edition, welcome to the WAW fam 😊 We’re over 30,000 hustlers strong 💪 


Today we're talking about the latest trend in health and wellness. It's called rucking, and it involves carrying a backpack filled with weight while walking or hiking.

Trust me, this isn't your grandma's leisurely stroll through the park - rucking is a hardcore workout that helps you build muscle, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and reduce stress. Plus, it's cheap and accessible, making it a no-brainer for fitness fanatics on a budget.

And if you're thinking "Who would be crazy enough to do this?" turns out a lot of people are beginning to voluntarily hike with an extra 45 pounds on their backs.

This rucking subreddit community is still in its infancy stage with a little over 6,000 members and has grown exponentially over the past 2 years.

Where did people find this?
Rucking became popular as a civilian activity from the military and special forces who've been doing it since... ever to keep soldiers in shape.

Why is it becoming popular now?
When covid hit, people got outside and became more health conscious. Those same individuals are maintaining their outdoor exercise routines that were established during the pandemic and looking for new ways to get fit.

You're early to this one - let's blaze this trail together! (see what I did there 😏)

Here are 4 quick fire businesses you can create from this trend:

1. Trail Finders & Reviews

Similar to Nomad List (where others rate living in different parts of the world) create an app or website that allows rucking enthusiasts a place to find new trails and see how others have liked it.

When you Google "great mountains to ruck" the first article that comes up is from 2020. This market is not saturated yet - become the first app or website to niche down for rucking.

This app or website could also help fellow ruckers find each other for morning group hikes before work, weekend rucks, etc.

2. 5k's & Specialty Events

Just like how cities have annual marathons and 5k's, start the same thing for rucking.

Health freaks love competition and being around others who also share their same passion. Similar to how marathons work today, have competitors sign up for $100 per person and compete hiking the Appalachian mountains or the mountain ranges of Colorado with rucksacks!

3. How-to-Guides

Teaching newcomers how to keep pace on hikes and the best brands to use are frequently asked in the rucking subreddit.

This could be YouTube videos, TikToks, or a niche blog that you can place advertisements on and push affiliate links.

4. Rucking Tours

If you're the outdoorsy type and live near mountains or hiking trails, starting a business that leads rucking tours through scenic locations would be an awesome business to start.

Offer guided hikes, training sessions, and even rucking retreats for hardcore fans of the sport. Just make sure to pack plenty of snacks and water - and maybe a first aid kit, just in case.


In today’s Techy Tech, I’ve got more AI coming your way.

Last week OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT is now able to respond to any modality: voice, text, or picture.

So when you give it a picture of 4 parking signs stacked on top of each other, it can tell you if the spot is legal to park in 👀

GPT4 also isn’t using data from 2021 anymore. Now it’s akin to Google’s AI chatbot, Bard - who also had some crazy updates..

Google connected Bard to everything in their ecosystem (which is a lot) opening up the door for tons of possibilities.

Tell Bard to book you a Southwest flight to New York, a hotel at the Marriott, and email you 24 hours before as a reminder. It’s going to respond with “That was child’s play, need anything else?”


LinkedIn really be like that 😂😂


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That's a wrap ladies & gents!

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