How this person makes $150,000 every Christmas

PLUS how to do this yourself

GM. This is Work "After" Work. We’re your side hustle weather man. We bring you the forecast, help you avoid the rainy days, and shine when it’s nice out 😎

Here’s how we’re starting the week:

  • 🗓️ Advent Calendars

  • 😂 Meme of the day


Alright, I have an interesting story to share. Every year around Christmas time Namazake Paul makes $150,000.

How does he do this you ask?

The answer - Advent Calendars. For him, a Sake Advent Calendar:

I know what you’re thinking. He must be a priest or some religious figure people look up to. Nope. He’s just your average hustler taking advantage of a marketplace that loves his skills.

See Advent Calendars used to only be for religious reasons but now many have no references to religion at all… and this is where the opportunity lies.

If you’ve never heard of Advent Calendars essentially the jist is 25 days before Christmas you open up a section of the calendar each day that contains chocolate and most likely a prayer or Bible verse.

And if you’ve ever actually done this before you know Advent Calendars are notorious for being boring and most likely containing expired milk chocolate from the year before.

Nonetheless, Advent Calendars help many companies boost sales and Namazake Paul, a guy with only 1,150 followers on Twitter, was able to sell out of the 500 he was selling for $300 each.

Pair this with the fact that people predominantly buy these for someone else as gifts no matter what country you’re in around the world. There’s clearly a huge D2C Advent Calendar opportunity here.

So the question is “What cool, not boring Advent Calendars could you make?”

Well just looking at the market, Lego is hopping on this trend partnering with the Star Wars franchise.

But not everyone is interested in the Mandalorians and Chewbacca. Spice it up with other ideas like:

  • Hot sauce calendars

  • Specialty whisky calendars

  • Beauty calendars (lotions, lipsticks, concealers, eye shadows)

  • Kid cartoon shows (buy the licensing rights - think Bluey or Scooby Doo)

  • Specialty candies from different regions of the world (Japan, India, Spain)

The sky’s the limit. Whatever you choose, the key will be creating something niche people are passionate about enough to gift to their loved ones.

We’re six months out from Christmas - get brainstorming! Think about what you’re good at. Paul’s specialty was Sake, so he sold that.

Think about your background and what you can offer. Do you have great taste in something? Come from a unique heritage? Understand kids extremely well and know what will get their parents to buy? These are all things you can think of.


When it comes to marketing, I don’t think it’s too complicated (as long as your niche).

If I were selling Indian Advent Calendars with cultural candies inside, I’d target people with interests in Indian foods, Indian festivals like Diwali or Holi, Bollywood film stars, Indian sports like cricket, and the list goes on.

Run your ads on the usual Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or Etsy.

Just like I mentioned earlier. Advent Calendars are global, you’re not just limited to your country. Paul has proven this to be a great D2C business. An added bonus: it’s fun!

Happy hustling! 💪


😂😂 fr tho

That's all I got for ya today folks!!

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