This company pays you to play games

here's your step-by-step guide to getting started

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that packs more punch than your alarm clock on a Monday morning!

Here’s how we’re starting the week:

  • 🎮 Get paid to test games

  • 😂 Meme of the day


What’s the worst thing that could happen to a company? Well, besides bankruptcy.

I think it’s spending millions of dollars to build an app and when it goes to market... nobody uses it.

And the silly thing is, this could have all been avoided by doing one simple thing: user testing.

Yep, just how it sounds. Companies pay random people who have never seen their app before to test it and give feedback.

This way if the app isn’t working as intended they can go back to the drawing board instead of going to market and losing those customers forever.

This is exactly why user testing is so valuable to companies and the best part? They’ll pay you a pretty penny to do it!

A site I found called PlaytestCloud does just this. It pays gamers to test new video games and give their feedback.

From my findings, it's one of the highest-paying sites out there and testers are making $9 for just 15 mins of playing.

Wanna get in on this? Here’s how:

Step #1: Meet the requirements

Before you go any further you have to:

  • Be an English speaker

  • Live in the US, UK, Canada, or any of these countries

  • Own an Android or iPhone

  • Be comfortable talking out loud while playing games

If you meet these then you’re ready to rock ‘n’ roll! 🎸 

Step #2: Sign up for PlaytestCloud

Head over to the ‘become a tester’ page to sign up.

You'll have to provide:

  • Full name

  • Phone model

  • Country, age, gender

  • Email address

  • Games you like to play on your phone

Step #3: Pass the qualification test

Once you sign up they’re going to send a test that first teaches you how to give valuable feedback and then lets you have a go at it.

It takes about 5 mins and it’s unpaid. To increase your chances of passing, make sure you verbalize what features you like and dislike about the game.

They essentially just want you talking aloud about any of the following:

  • graphics

  • music

  • gameplay

  • bugs

  • improvements

  • general user experience

This YouTube video explains the process in detail.

If you don't pass the test, don't worry. You can take it as many times as you like.

Step #4: Test away!

Once you get the green light to start testing games your email will start to buzz with opportunities.

With each test they’ll give you:

  • How much you'll earn

  • Game details (like where to download)

  • A roadmap on how to play the game and upload your recording

  • A post-test survey, which is pretty much your ticket to getting paid

🔑 Pro Tip: Sometimes, clients toss in specific tasks and instructions. Stick to 'em!

Each session is 15 mins between gameplay and feedback.

Once submitted, if PlaytestCloud nods in approval of your insights, you get paid via PayPal within a few days.

🔎 The “Is it legit?” corner

As you know, there are a lot of websites out there that claim to pay you money.

Is this one legit? Well, I’ve done the digging so you don’t have to.

In short, yes, it’s legit - even though Trustpilot and Reddit give it mixed reviews.

The two biggest complaints are:

  1. Users not getting paid (although I’ve seen many say they make money with the app)

  2. Not enough games to be tested

It goes without saying, this won’t make you a millionaire but it could give you some extra cash if you have down time so check it out and lmk how it goes.

And that’s all I got! Let me know your thoughts as it helps me write better ideas for you next time!

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Happy Halloween tomorrow! 👻 🎃


We all know how important investing is. It’s what separates the early retirees from the “working until you’re 70” class.

Usually, investing is complicated with big words and jargon no one really understands. Where are the people who can explain it to a 5th grader?

Well, I think I found them! Introducing INVRS - a gamified investment education platform built on a live investment research platform.

INVRS offers you a ton of fun things to teach you about investing including:

  • Practice trading account - invest fake money and learn by doing

  • Games like FinTrivia

  • Community

  • Research

  • Investment Education

They also host competitions! In fact, they’re running one for the month of November to promote financial literacy.

Their contest “Invest Like A Pro” gives you $100K of practice money (they call it PlayDough). The person who grows their “dough” the most by the end of November is the winner but there’s a twist!

You can earn even more PlayDough (up to $5,000) by answering questions - aka learning more about investing! It’s a great way to gain exposure to investing without any of the risks since you can’t lose anything!

I’m playing! So if you wanna go head-to-head, come join me!


This has gotta be fake. Who’s tipping the gas station?? 😂😂


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That's all I got for ya today folks!

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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