An app no one has started yet… (million dollar business)

step-by-step guide on how YOU can

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that brings you side hustles so sizzling that even your coffee's jealous!

Happy Hump Day! Let’s jump in:

  • 🎮 The dating app for gamers (this could be huge!)

  • 😂 Meme of the day

Before the heat: to the 107 new readers since my last email… Welcome to the WAW fam!😊 We’re 30,000+ strong! 💪


Here’s a fun fact: 20% of all internet users in the U.S. are on dating apps.

With these 15M people swiping their way through Bumble, Tinder, or, it seems Cupid's traded in his bow and arrow for a solid Wi-Fi connection.

There are currently over 1,500 dating apps available worldwide, with many catering to specific communities.

We've got Christian Mingle for the devout, Farmers Only for those who love tractors, and Grindr for the LGBTQ+ community. Looks like there's an app for everyone... almost.

Surprisingly, in a world where even my grandmother knows what Fortnite is, there isn't a dating app tailored for gamers. Ironic, right?

Especially given the size of the gaming industry, which has over 3 billion active players worldwide - 40% of the total world population!

Other interesting stats I found about the gaming industry:

  • 79% of gamers in the US are 18 or older, with the average age being 35–44

  • When compared to other countries, the gaming industry in the U.S. generates the most revenue at $57 billion

Source: Statista

  • 49% of gamers in the US are female - nearly half!

After seeing these figures, I had an idea: Why not create a dating app for gamers only?

Why I believe this idea will work

Let's get real for a sec. Many gamers aren't always keen on leaving their gaming chairs for a night out.

Why? Well, there's no respawn button in real life, and NPCs (non-player characters for the uninitiated) don't ghost you. But 67% of gamers have said they have made some kind of relationship (friendship or dating) online.

Also, gamers want to date other gamers!

Need I say more?

Use this blueprint to get started:

  • Build the app: There are already tons of dating apps out there you can use as inspiration. You might think, "Eh, that sounds tough," especially when you have no experience building apps. But with platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Replit you're a few clicks away from finding a developer to bring your vision to life!

  • Create a promotion strategy: The key to a successful dating app is what you’d think, getting people to download and actually use it. With gaming influencers just a DM away, you can have a few big names in the industry give your app a shoutout to their audience, and BOOM! Instant exposure.

Honestly, this idea has more potential than my attempts at baking during quarantine (and trust me, that was A LOT of banana bread).

Most dating apps are under the umbrella of a select few moguls. So, create an app that catches their attention, and they might just swing by with their checkbooks, making you richer than if you had a real pig-sized piggy bank!

But till then, you can monetize in a few ways:

  • Charge a monthly membership fee (or provide an upgrade to have more swipes/likes)

  • Include a pay-to-message feature where gamers pay a small fee to text someone on the app

  • Make people pay a fee to see who’s interested in their profile

Pro-tip: Be strategic with this by copying other dating apps and how they charge.

💡 Bonus level idea

There are unlimited possibilities but try to have one unique feature that sets you apart from the crowd - kinda like how women on Bumble have to reach out to guys first.

For your unique feature, consider creating groups for specific games, with only the highest-ranked players able to enter DMs. Or, users can show off their gaming stats as their profile flex. Just a thought!

Remember, this idea is fresh for the taking. And when you're sipping cocktails on your private island thanks to your app's success, remember who nudged you in the right direction! 😉

📊 Quick poll

Now, before you jet off to create the next big thing, humor me with a quick poll:

🎮 Are you a gamer?

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Crypto is up big time with Bitcoin leading the charge at +20% over the past week. Rumors about the BTC ETF approval are spiraling!


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That's a wrap ladies & gents!

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